How to Tell if a Job Interview Went Well: 8 Sure Signs

An interview is one of the most important parts of the hiring process. It gives both the company and the candidate the opportunity to determine whether or not they are a good fit for the open position. While it is not always easy to determine how well a job interview went, there are a few indicators that you can use to gauge the hiring manager's interest. In this article, we discuss seven sure signs that indicate that you impressed the hiring manager and that you have become a potential candidate for the position.

How to tell if a job interview went well

Evaluating how well a job interview went will not only help you determine whether or not you will receive an offer, but it can also help you improve your interviewing skills. The following indicators can help you determine if your job interview went well:

  • The interview went longer than expected.
  • The interviewer introduced you to other team members.
  • The interviewer provided you with a lot of details about the company or open position.
  • The interviewer talked a lot about future opportunities.
  • The interview flowed naturally.
  • You were asked about hiring logistics.
  • The interviewer was clear about next steps.
  • They told you.

1. The interview went longer than expected

While there are many factors that can affect the length of an interview, the more time that a hiring manager spends with you, chances are, the more that they are interested in your skills and qualifications. Of course, where you are in the hiring process can also affect the length of the interview. Some companies may schedule an initial phone screening before scheduling an in-person meeting with the hiring manager or decision-maker.

However, some companies will provide with you a time slot or expected length of time when scheduling the interview appointment. A hiring manager that asks a lot of questions or requests that you complete additional steps during the interview, such as taking a skills test or demonstrating a skill, can indicate that the interview went well.

2. The interviewer introduced you to other team members

It is typically a good indicator that your interview went well if the interviewer introduces you to other members of the team. When doing this, it is possible that they are gauging your interactions with key team members or that they want to see how you will fit in with the current culture of the business. The hiring manager might also introduce you to the person who will be your assistant or the receptionist who will answer your phone calls to get an idea of how you interact with them.

Many hiring processes also require that the candidate complete an interview with multiple team members. An introduction to executive members or employees who you will work directly with can indicate that they are considering you for the open position.

3. The interviewer provided you with a lot of details about the company or open position

Job interviews are not only about evaluating whether or not the candidate is a good fit for the position, but also if the position is a good fit for the candidate. When a hiring manager or interviewer offers you a lot of extra details about the company or open position, it is possible that they are trying to persuade you and educate you on the perks of working for the business.

Additionally, if the interviewer takes the time to show you around the office or show you the workplace in which you will work if you're hired, it can indicate that they are considering you for the position. It can also be a good indicator if the interviewer discusses the benefits of the position, like time off, insurance and other work-related benefits like gym memberships or free lunch.

4. The interviewer talked a lot about future opportunities

An interviewer who discusses your future opportunities with the business might be selling you on the position. It means that they have thought about your future with the business. They might use words like when, rather than if, indicating a strong interest in you as a candidate. They also might ask you interview questions about your future goals in the industry or with the business. This means that they are interested in learning about your career goals and want to see if you are a good fit for the company.

5. The interview flowed naturally

An interview that flows naturally can demonstrate and highlight your communication and interpersonal skills. Gauging the nonverbal communication of the interviewer and how they react to your interview answers can also help you determine their engagement level. Additionally, an interview that naturally flows from business talk to casual conversation can help you develop the rapport that you need to convince the hiring manager that you are a good culture fit.

6. You were asked about hiring logistics

Many hiring managers will not request information about hiring logistics unless they are considering you for the open position. Questions regarding how much notice you need to give your current employer or the date in which you can start can indicate a serious interest in you. It is also possible that the hiring manager will ask how quickly you are looking to start or if you are currently in the process of interviewing with other organizations. This gives them information on how quickly they need to decide.

7. The interviewer was clear on next steps

Interviewers are not always clear on what next steps you can expect after leaving the interview. However, if the interviewer takes the time to clearly discuss the next steps, it could be because they are interested in scheduling another interview with you. They might be open and direct with you and inform you they already have other interviews scheduled or tell you that you can expect a follow-up interview request.

8. They tell you

Sometimes gauging how well an interview went is as simple as listening to the hiring manager. Sometimes, it won't be as clear as stating that the interview went well. Instead, the hiring manager might state that they like what they hear or that your qualifications are exactly what they're looking for. If you're not sure how the interview went, you can always ask the hiring manager if they have any concerns about your resume or qualifications for the job.

How to tell the interview did not go well

In some cases, the interviewer may give a clear sign that your interview did not go well. Some of these indicators include:

  • They have negative body language.
  • They cut the interview short.
  • They don't listen carefully to your answers.
  • They lack enthusiasm about your qualifications
  • They don't mention the next steps

1. Negative body language

If the interviewer is displaying negative body language like crossing their arms, looking at the door or leaning away from you, it's a strong sign the interview isn't going well. To focus their attention on what you're saying and exude confidence, lean forward slightly and speak with enthusiasm.

2. The interview is cut short

If the interview comes to an abrupt end after only a short period of time, it's a strong indicator you aren't getting the job, especially if they don't explain or apologize. While you can't ask for more time, you should always remain poised and thank the interviewer for their time.

3. They don't listen carefully to your answers

If you notice that the interviewer is asking questions but not listening closely to your responses, try asking their opinion on the topic. If you're able to get them talking, you may be able to re-engage them in the conversation.

4. Lack of enthusiasm about your qualifications

Another clear indicator that the interview hasn't gone well is that the interviewer isn't enthusiastic about your skills or accomplishments. If this happens, ask them about how they would define success for that role or within the company.

5. They don't mention the next steps

If the interviewer doesn't introduce you to other managers or express an interest in moving forward with you as a potential candidate, you can take the initiative yourself. If you think you still have a chance for the role, reiterate your interest in the position and ask what the next step would be.

What to do after a great interview

If you feel your interview went well, there are some steps you can take afterward to increase the likelihood of getting the job. They include:

  • Write down important things you discussed.
  • Write down one reason you're excited for the position.
  • Send a thank you note.
  • Follow up.

1. Write down important things you discussed

Immediately after your interview, write down two or three important things you discussed with the interviewer. This will help you create a more tailored letter when it's time to write a thank you note, one that will remind the interviewer of who you are and why you're great for the role.

2. Write down one reason you're excited for the position

Next, write down one reason you're excited about the position you just interviewed for. For example, it could be that it's a company you've always wanted to work for or because it's the ideal fit for your background and skills. Identify one reason you're most excited about the position so you can communicate that enthusiasm in your thank you note.

3. Send a thank you note

Write a thank you note, either handwritten or via email and send it within 24 hours of your interview. Express your appreciation for their consideration and for taking the time to speak with you about the role. Then, in the main body, mention two main points you discussed during the interview, re-affirming why you are the ideal fit. Share what it is about this position or this company that has you most excited.

4. Follow up

If one week later you're still waiting to hear what the next steps are, be proactive by sending a follow-up letter. Start your follow-up letter by inquiring about the next steps. However, take it a step further by highlighting a recent success, preferably a win that has occurred since your interview. End the letter by reiterating your enthusiasm for the role.

Tips to have an effective interview

Here are some extra tips to help you have an effective interview:

  • Practice and prepare: Prepare for the interview by reviewing interview questions that employers commonly ask and practicing your responses. The best responses draw on specific examples that emphasize your skills and experiences. Familiarize yourself with the job listing and match the job requirements to your experience.
  • Research the company: Research the company as well as the industry so you can draw on specific information you know about the organization during the interview. This will also ensure you're prepared if the employer asks what you know about their company.
  • Dress for the company: Find out what the company dress code is before your interview. While you should never wear casual clothes, even if the office has a casual dress code, it can help you understand whether a suit or less formal clothing is most appropriate.
  • Be early: Show up at least five or ten minutes early for your interview. Take the time of your interview into consideration in case you need to adjust the time you leave based on traffic patterns. Give yourself extra time to calm your nerves before the interview starts.
  • Stay relaxed: During your interview, try to stay relaxed as much as possible. Maintain eye contact throughout the interview and listen carefully to the entire question before answering.

Source: Indeed

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